Covid-19 Guidelines for Worship
First Cumberland adheres to the guidelines
set forth by the CDC.
As we begin worship
services again, there are some guidelines we will be
following to keep everyone safe as we worship together again!
We want everyone to feel comfortable as well.
Please be cautious and use common sense.
The sanctuary will
be sanitized each week before and after worship by volunteers.
If you would be willing to help with that, please let us know with a call to the
We will be meeting in our main sanctuary for Sunday morning worship only, starting this Sunday –
May 24, 2020, at
10:30 am. (Doors will be open at 10:10 am each week).
· No Sunday
School classes, youth groups, or small Bible Study groups
· Please limit yourself to the foyer, sanctuary, and restrooms on Sundays
Please enter at the
side (Northside) door only (Unless it is raining).
The doors leading into the sanctuary will be propped open for no-touch
Hand sanitizer is
available Please wear a mask.
One will be available if you do not have one (recommended)
Spaced seating (you
may sit with your immediate family); no hand-shaking, hugging, or touching
other people.
Bulletins have been placed in the pews for social distancing – 6 feet please.
Extra bulletins are on the foyer table.
Offering plates are
on the tables in the foyer for you to give your tithe/gift or envelope after the
(mail-in still an option too). One of the finance committee members will take
them to the office.
Pew racks will be
empty. Music will be printed in the bulletin or placed on the screen
Information will be verbally communicated at the beginning and end of services
as needed
Public water fountain cannot be used, and please do not bring drinks or food
into the sanctuary.
Restrooms will be open but limited to one person at a time (exception would be
taking your
child or a family member that lives with you, and requires assistance).
Please sanitize all areas you touch; wipes are provided in the stalls.
Wash your hands with soap and water before exiting.
Dismissal will be by
rows, back to front. If you need to speak with someone, please mask up,
keeping 6 feet of distance between you, and preferably outside in the open air.
If you are feeling bad, have experienced any symptoms or illness,
or have been exposed to anyone who has been ill, please stay home.
We know some people are not yet comfortable being out around other people,
we want you to know it’s fine to continue to stay Healthy at Home.
Please use common sense when around other people. Keep a safe distance.
Wash and/or sanitize your hands thoroughly. Discard your own trash as you leave
(tissues, wrappers, paper, etc.), do not leave anything in the sanctuary,
and try not to touch anything that someone else might touch after you.
Father in Heaven, please bless us during this crisis.
©2005-2020 First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved.